We sort of staked out our turf midway back, off to one side a bit. Eventually some very very tall men got in front of us, which was a tad annoying. The concert was very good. I'm not very familiar with RH's music, but it was a good and fun show, and nice to see PLB and SM and BR looking like they were having fun. Pretty near the end, Z and I needed the loo and once we went back there, we found that the back part of the room was much cooler than the front, so we stayed back there, could hear fine and see almost as well.
The funniest part of the evening was when the concert ended. Our normally genial host seemed to be in a big hurry to leave, practically bolted like a bunny. I was ready to get home anyway, so that was fine with me.
Friday J took us to nearby St Albans. It was a cool, windy, dampish day. We walked past the ruins of a Roman wall and went to visit the very large cathedral. www.stalbanscathedral.org.uk. After touring the cathedral, we wandered around town a bit and found a pub for lunch. Starving by then, we were!

1 comment:
Oye! (Tarantula, as the BBC says). Nice report Lu-Cee, but I'm missing details of girlie "whoo" and food talk ;)
It was great, we should do this every year, you know!
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