Saturday, April 12, 2008

ears up

Dang, I let the blog thing get away from me again. So what have I been doing? Walking the dog, working, going to see George Carlin (a little disappointing, he's just an angry old man), running down to Austin to hang out with a pal (including a trip to Hippie Hollow!) and seeing B & P.

What's to look forward to? May will bring a Police and Elvis Costello concert with E, and a trip to Athens with my Girl Posse for a Josh Ritter concert. In June I'll go to Toronto with E for an R.E.M. concert and a side-trip to Niagara Falls. Then my major summer adventure will be seeing R.E.M. in New York at Madison Square Garden and in Atlanta. The new camera should get quite a workout over the next couple of months.


Tina. said...

Aw, you'll be seeing Niagara falls in June, and I'm moving to Buffalo in July. :(

Sounds like you have a lot of fun planned for this summer! Enjoy.

PS--And this photo of Tybee sniffing the bluebonnets is priceless.

Lydia said...

Cute photo!

Spooky coincidence. I'll be seeing R.E.M. in New York and Atlanta too. lol