Yesterday I drove down to Austin and met up with Emily at Boo’s house. We went out to eat at Galaxy Café, then Em and I went on down to the Continental Club. We were pretty surprised to see a long line of people waiting to get in an hour before the concert was to begin. It was sort of entertaining to listen to people while we were waiting. The folks behind us had flown down from Canada for ACL.
Inside, it wasn’t as crowded as I had thought it might be so we were able to position ourselves right in front of the stage, Wynn-side, brews in hand, ready for some music. I heard someone calling out “Lucy” so I looked and found Nan from Murmurs (who has a major thing for Mr. Buck and had stationed herself right in front of where he would be standing). Nice to see her again.
The concert was a nice mix of Baseball Project, new and some older Minus 5, Steve Wynn songs, and covers. Scott’s voice wasn’t in top form, I thought, but that didn’t detracted from the passion he puts into every song. They all just have such a great time performing together. Of course I’m envious of Linda Pitmon, since I want to be a drummer when I grow up. Alas. There’s no way I could ever have her rhythm and stamina, not to mention I couldn’t assist on vocals.
As the first set ended, Scott encouraged the audience to come visit with them at the merch table. Em and I were just about the first ones there. We snagged all the Butcher Cover CDs that we had agreed to get for others as well as ourselves and immediately asked Peter for autograp

Scott seemed to appreciate the spirit of the Scottie mug that Emily brought for him to autograph. What a hoot. He and Buck were both very nice about signing things and having pictures taken.

That's a picture of me with a sweaty Buck, who only looks like an angry axe-murderer but was actually quite pleasant. I found myself wondering if he's off the booze. His face doesn't look puffy and he wasn't drinking red wine onstage. He had glasses of what looked like lemonade but could have been anything.
The show ended about 1:15 I think, with some raucous covers and a bartender dancing onstage.
Sounds like a fun evening with a good mix of songs. Glad you both had such an enjoyable time. Nan, as in Tractor Bar Nan, was there?
No, Nan as in 3a.m. or something like that. She lives in Houston and we met her at the Dallas REM concert last year, then also at Robyn Hitchcock.
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