Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Something extremely disturbing has happened and I need to talk it out but don't want to actually talk to anyone about it. So here goes, since hardly anyone ever reads this. Initials have been changed.

Y sent me a text last night: "J killed the cat and then tried to kill himself. In hospital for psych eval." Of course I called her for more info. I knew that she had told me that J didn't like the cat and didn't get along with it. They were trying to find a new home for it; she had even asked me. I certainly didn't see this coming, and I feel that anyone who would do such a thing has far greater issues than not getting along with a cat.

N was a work when this happened. She was on the phone with J and he told her that he had hurt the cat. She was going to go home but he told her not to, that he didn't want her to see it. She eventually did go home and found that J had taken pills and alcohol. She got him to the hospital, he didn't want to be admitted but the hospital kept him anyway and will hold him for two weeks for evaluation.

This situation has been preying on my mind all last night and all day today. I've never met J but I feel so sad for N. She must be beside herself. Y said that N was staying with her parents last night.

Anyway, my stomach has been in a knot for 24 hours now. I have a busy early morning tomorrow and need to relax and sleep tonight.

To make matters worse, Tybee is having mouth trouble again. The vet dentist office wasn't open today. I'll call them in the morning and try to get an appt for Friday afternoon, since tomorrow I'm going to Austin (coming back Friday).

Must sleep.