Friday, November 30, 2007

bright smiles galore

So tonight I'm in a hotel across the freeway from Alliance Airport, attdning Natural Helpers training with 29 teens and a smattering of adults from school. At this moment we're having "activity time"; the kids are in a large room across the hall playing noisy games. I'm checking in online, fighting sleep, waiting for bedtime.

So far today we've done trust exercises and practiced active listening skills. I've also eaten entirely too much - donut, pizza, barbeque. If I outgrow these jeans, I'm sunk. I'm already in my "fat jeans". The Program begins in earnest Monday. Really. Remind me of that when I cheat, please.

I'm enjoying these kids - mostly freshmen and sophs with a few juniors. They're smart and cute and friendly. And I've had a chance to talk with a few teachers whom I haven't known very well, so that's cool too. One has a truly hideous Boston terrier. Our SRO led a session tonight - he was pretty crazy and a really good singer. At the beginning he sang the entire song from Willy Wonka (I dunno the name, the one about imagination) and at the end he sang a Mr Rogers song. But it worked.

I've been thinking about hubby and how miserable he is at work. I hope we can find something else for him soon, or else figure out how to live on MUCH less income. I don't know what to do, but something has to change. I feel really bad for him.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

memories were like coins that tumbled

Well dang, I have readers! I had no idea that anyone would notice a new blog so quickly. *blush*

So I suppose I should say more. Thanksgiving was an adventure this year because I had a guest from the Netherlands. It was her second trip to the US and first time in Texas, so it was quite interesting to see things through her eyes. She's very curious and interested in many things, so I spent a lot of time answering questions and showing sights. It was nice to get out to three museums (all in Fort Worth) as well as the Dallas World Aquarium, the Stockyards, and some shops. Turning a vegetarian animal-rights activist thrifty European into a rabid consumer was kind of fun (even though I know she's back to her old habits by now and was really only doing Christmas shopping and taking advantage of the lovely Bush economy). One very exciting event was that I converted her to rabid Ritterdom. Heh.

Ann stayed in Jessica's room during her visit - she was Jess's friend first, on the Moby board. Just this evening I discovered a note Ann left behind on the bedside table, with a poem about Jessica that brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the ships to set me free

Dangittie, it's been forever since I last blogged and I'm too sleepy tonight to say much. San Diego. Boise. Austin. Reno. Austin again. San Marcos. Upcoming adventure: with the husband to El Paso and Albuquerque, Flat Pablo in tow (though he isn't flat, actually. . . yet).

Seriously, I've been roaming a lot this fall, and expect my usual Dear Readers already know about that so there's not much point in going into it all here.

I left off with waiting for my new aide to begin work. She's been with us now for a couple of months or so and is working out well. She's not JA, but she has her own strengths.

Story from today: I was over in the assistant principal's area, walking down the hall past the principal's office. Saw him unlocking his door, so as I drew even with him I said a cheery "good morning". I heard him say, enthusiastically, "Good morning! How are you?" and instantly realized that he was talking to another lady who was still down the hall, completely ignoring little old moi, who was right freakin' beside the idiot. I swear.