Friday: B & I went to a nice yarn shop; found gorgeous alpaca yarn, got teal to make a hat for JMS, other yarns to make hats for friends. Did some shopping, running around. Went to dinner at Applebee's in Irving. Got to Nokia Center by 8 p.m., found our seats - good ones! Completely enjoyed Josh's set; only about 35 minutes, since he was the support act. Dang, he sounded great. After his set, we went to lobby to buy CD for BS and tshirt for me (brown short-sleeve with starling on the front). Went to ladies room, came out and spotted Josh near the sales area, talking to some women. Got into line behind two other gals who were waiting to talk to him.
When our turn came, we told him how much we enjoyed his songs. I explained about learning of him from AM in Ireland. B told him about us seeing him at SXSW last March. He totally gave us his undivided attention, just as he had done for the people before us. What an amazing young man. He signed B's CD, posed for pictures with me. It was just a beautiful evening.
Saturday: went back to the yarn shop for dark green alpaca yarn to make a hat for Josh. I'm now an alpaca addict. That yarn is soooo soft. Also did more running around with B; went to lunch at Thai Tina. T has gone to Chicago til Tuesday, business.
Sounds like you and B had a fantastic time. Cool photos. Josh Ritter sounds like a sweet guy, and I'm really glad you got to met him.
Aww... aren't they a nice couple?
I had no idea you had a new blog. Josh Ritter sure is a cutie and I'm glad you've met him.
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