Thursday night I went up to Denton with two of the Culture Club kids to meet author Jon Scieszka. I was tired and didn't think I wanted to go, but I'm very glad I went. Scieszka was entertaining: hysterically funny at times, inspiring at times, definitely interesting. He was happy to sign Z's copy of The Stinky Cheese Man. I also enjoyed visiting with the students who went along. The young man noticed my IRS Years CD and knew what it was!!! He said he likes R.E.M., mentioned his favorite album. Wow. I knew he was a cool kid. On the way to Denton we listened to the Belle and Sebastian CD he had brought; talked about music.
I've been really tired this past week. Going back after the break was hard, always is, but I didn't expect to feel this wiped out. I slept in a bit this morning at least, so won't start the week too tired, I hope. Had no big events going on this weekend, so just visited with friends, did some housewifely tasks, went shopping.
Interesting to hear from people who have discovered this blog. I haven't mentioned it to any school folk yet. May. May not.
You should just change the title of your blog to Schmoozing With the Rich and Famous! Just don't go meeting Peter Buck without me, ok? Glad you enjoyed the evening.
No one at work knows anything about my onlife life and that will stay the same in future jobs. And only a few of my "offline" friends know about my blog. I kind of like it that way, at least for now.
Erm, well, I've already met Peter Buck. Sorry. I didn't know you then, so it doesn't count, right?
Seriously? How can a novel with the words stinky and cheese in the name be succesfull? Well?
Did the guy smell of stinky cheese? Did his feet smell? Dozens of questions pop to mind that weren't asnwered, Lu-Cee...
Dang, I guess that gave me away as being me :p
Dear europeia,
You need to read the book for yourself. :)
I left out the crucial word "again". Next time I want to be there too, please. :D
I'd love for you to be there next time, L2.
Euro - you, of all people, should understand how something with "stinky" and "cheese" in the title can be successful. Isn't your entire national economy built around stinky cheese? Or is that the French?
No, that's the Swiss, Lu-Cee... the French have fungi and molds on their cheese... that's why you need to drink their anti-freeze... I mean: wine... to kill of the fungi and molds (true fact actually).
Anyway, I won't read the book as it doesn't seem to be in a genre I like...
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