Last night cousin C came over to visit. We went to a new store, looked around some, brought barbecue home for dinner and ate with TX. I kept thinking he would go to bed so she and I could visit, but no, he stayed up the entire time she was there. I know she enjoys him and it was good for him to socialize, but selfishly, I wanted some time with her to myself. I feel better about it today, looking back on it, because he doesn't talk to my friends often enoug

That over to the left is the two of us a couple years ago, around Easter. We used to have time to be partners in crime together, but now she has grandchildren and weekends are spent with them, often. I wish we could get together more often.
I'm looking forward to this Fall Break week and am sorry it's the last one we'll get to have. Stupid state legislators, forcing us toward a uniform start date. I'm in favor of local desires taking precedence. Anyway, I have plans to clean out the fridge and some cabinets. I want to scan some pictures, and transfer Family Treemaker data from the old computer to this one; also transfer scanned pix off the old one.

1 comment:
Good to see a pic of your cousin after hearing you talk about her so much. I know what you mean about wanting to have your friends to yourself sometimes. I can be selfish that way too.
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