Tuesday, August 28, 2007

on the second day of scho-ol my true love gave to me....

a new aide. Well, actually, my true love didn't give me squat, but the assistant principal had me participate in interviews of three potential aides. I liked all three and felt they all could do the job. For a couple of reasons, #3 was eliminated, leaving me the day to ponder which of the other two to choose. The AP had told them that she'd let them know one way or the other today, so I ahd to make a decision.

I'm not so good at making decisions. I generally dither, faff, ponder, take a while to meditate. There was not that luxury today, so I made a selection. I hope I made the right, best choice. I truly felt that either lady would be good at the job, and I liked them both. Dang. that made it soooo hard. I hope the one I didn't choose isn't too disappointed.

Now we have to wait for HR to approve the applicant, so I suppose it'll be next week before she gets to start.

I had two classes come to the library today for book talks and check-out, and will have 6 tomorrow and 5 Thursday. More Friday. I'm already booked up through next week. This is crazy.


Lydia said...

Oh, you had 3 people to choose from. That's good. I've enjoyed conducting interviews but have always been part of a panel to make the decision. I daresay you've made a good choice, and I hope things go well.

Hezalin said...

So, how's tht chick workin gout so far Lulu?

(aerdnA) said...

Just saying hi. I should be ashamed I never stop by your blog and leave comments, but I keep forgetting it.

it's a nice reading anyway, and lovely pictures too.